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We have flexible rates, especially for longer bookings.
Our passion is to help local musicians make awesome sounding recordings.

Studio Time:

(Engineer incl.)

              100/hr      2 hr minimum (200)

        90/hr      4 hr block (360)

        80/hr      8 hr block (640)


Call for Quote

Price structure is the same as studio rates.

Average 5 piece band, 3 minute song, will take 2-3hrs to

methodically mix.


(This does not account for time fixing performance issues. Such as manually tuning vocals,

or addressing instrument timing issues)


$75 per song

5 songs  350.  (70/per)

8 songs  480.  (65/per)

10+ songs  600. (60/per)



Customized quote for full album projects.

5 Song EP  (50/hr max) 4000.

10 song Album (100/hr max) 7000.

(Prices do not include cost of hiring musicians.

Overages billed at relative rate)

© 2001 ATM Music Studio

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